Saturday, September 13, 2008

Oral Communications - Sept. 15 - 19

Congratulations, students. Most of you did really well on the test on Chapters 1 & 2. All of the test grades are now in Pinnacle. If you did not do well on the test, you have an opportunity to bring your grade up with your Collage Speech that we will begin on September 23 (Tuesday), which will be worth 125 points. September 23 will be volunteer day. Anyone who volunteers (I'll bet we will have more than one day of volunteers because so many of you will volunteer) will receive 5 bonus points. In addition, you can receive another 5 points if you practice your speech in front of a parent or guardian and bring me a signed note that confirms that practice. Remember, speeches under 3 minutes long will lose points, so remember to time your practice for at least a minute longer and make certain that you include many interesting details. Practice enthusiasm, eye contact, VOLUME, and gestures--there is nothing better for nervousness than practice.
NOTE: On the back of your assignment handout is a copy of the critique that I will be using when I grade your speech: 100 points for delivery--25 points for your collage or whatever you choose to bring to illustrate your speech about you and your interests.
I will be out Monday and Tuesday (a hospitalized relative), but the week will be spent on listening (just now getting to that) and organizational skills for speaking.
How do you get to Carnegie Hall? PRACTICE! PRACTICE! PRACTICE! Good luck, Mr. Speaker!

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