Sunday, October 5, 2008

Oral Communications - October 6 -10

Reminders: The end of the 1st quarter is October 13--No school on October 17.
We will spend a little time this week discussing faulty reasoning, (we may have a quiz Tuesday (7th) on the faulty reasoning terms from the handouts I gave you on Chapter 4 Vocabulary. We will then move on to intrapersonal communication and shortly afterward interpersonal communication. Intrapersonal communication is a term for communicating with ourselves. It is helpful to give some thought to why we have the communication styles that we have. All that we think, do and say is centered in our own experiences, past and present. If we can open up our minds enough to comprehend that everyone else has different experiences, then we can begin to communicate in ways that are more tolerant of those differences--but we must look critically at ourselves first.

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